Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Install CONKY LUA In Ubuntu

Conky Lua is very nice gadget for every linux user, It shows usage of your system like cpu, disk, memory, net upload and download speed, also date & time. Many users wrote me about this gadget, they like it so much. So Now we will start. I customized this gadget in different flavors.
New Conky Tron is Shared on NoobsLab.

Install Conky in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

sudo apt-get install conky conky-all

Install by yourself in other distro's.

First of all Download Startup script with following commands:

wget -O .start-conky
chmod +x .start-conky

Now open Startup Applications > click Add  > New Dialog box will open click on Browse > Now (Press Ctrl+H) see following screenshot.

QMMP Skins Pack for Ubuntu/Debian

QMMP is a great Winamp Like music player. For me, this is the greatest current living Winamp Like Music Player in Linux (Audacious seems to be more “gtk” interfaced music player than classic winamp). This is based on QT but works smooth and fast enough in gtk based desktops (lxde, xfce, gnome).

For you that don't know yet what is QMMP, this is a popular app and installable easily by apt in Ubuntu and or Debian (squeeze, wheezy, sid) :
sudo apt-get install qmmp

Because of this, I decided to pack some cool Winamp classic skins to be a Debian package to fullfil the lack of additional skins in default QMMP installation. These are the skins :
  1. AmpBurger
  2. Bang & Olufsen
  3. DaizedAmp
  4. iTunesLeopard
  5. Kenwood-KDC-2019
  6. Rapture
  7. s1-1.5d
  8. Winamp5-XMMS
  9. Winamp Classic

And this is the file qmmp-skins-pack-0.1-all.deb you can download and install it to eyecandy your QMMP Player. Happy Linuxing !

Making A Local Software Repository For Ubuntu or Debian System By Using Aptoncd

The main difference between Windows and Linux is in the Software Management. In Windows, we can install any software easily by clicking the installer package and then enter the serial number (if proprietary) and then next next and finished.

In Linux, it is little more complicated. In Linux, between one package and one another packages depend each other and then create a technical condition called Dependency Chain. Why is Software Management in Linux more complicated than in Windows? The answer is Linux and its FOSS is an open source project and it is undertaken by so many programmers in the world. One programmer create one package and the other create the other one that depends on the other programmer work. In simple word, Linux and FOSS is a worldwide team work and it is impossible to create a centralized software management and standardization like in Windows, unless the whole Linux community merged and create a mega enterprise and create a new one standard of software management for Linux.
By the way, there are many popular software managements in Linux but because I'm an Ubuntu/Debian user, now I want to share about How to make a local repository in Ubuntu / Debian and use it as an offline installer. And the answer is Aptoncd and dpkg-dev.
Aptoncd is a simple tool to backup the cached dpkgs after we have installed packages in a Debian system. This tool is very simple. Here are the simple steps to create an Ubuntu / Debian local repository :
  1. Update our repository database
sudo apt-get update
  1. Install all packages we need and don't forget to install aptoncd and dpkg-dev
sudo apt-get install aptoncd dpkg-dev
  1. After all finished, open aptoncd and select create. A process to read and generate the cache of Debian packages we have installed by online will appear. If we have installed a lot of packages, the process could need some minutes. Just be patient.
  2. Next, select burn but in the last, don't burn it to any optical media. Just let it be an ISO.
  3. Open the ISO by using archive manager and extract the folder Packages. Put the folder in Desktop. Rename it to a name we like (ex : precise, quantal etc)
  4. Last, generate the DEBs by dpkg-dev command. As an example, I rename the folder as precise.
sudo dpkg-scanpackages precise /dev/null | gzip -9c > precise/Packages.gz
  1. Now, we have a local repository and could be used anytime when we need to reinstall our Debian or Ubuntu system. Just move the folder into our local harddisk. To use the repository, just simply put the local address into our apt database (/etc/apt/sources.list). Open and edit the repository database by the command :
    sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
    and put our local repository address in. The format of the address must be like this :
deb file:/location/location folder/
Example, I put the folder precise in a storage media called /media/d in a subdirectory softwares/linux. So the complete address is /media/d/softwares/linux/precise. So the apt address format must be like this :
deb file:/media/d/software/linux precise/
Last, generate the apt database by command sudo apt-get update and then install the packages we need by using apt : sudo apt-get install package_name.
  1. That's it. I hope this little thing will be useful. Enjoy :)

Ubuntu 12.04 Review

Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS has came. It is too late to make a review but it's okay. Better too late than nothing, right? So lets go to the point, what are new in this LTS relase.

As my experience, Ubuntu 12.04 comes with some great and minus things :
  1. PAE kernel. This is  is a feature to allow (32-bit) x86 processors to access a physical address space (including random access memory and memory mapped devices) larger than 4 gigabytes. For me, this new kernel surprisingly makes Ubuntu more responsive than ever.
  2. No more dodge window. Unity launcher, apparently has became popular launcher in Linux desktop. But, sadly, the best thing in this app, Dodge Window, is removed in the 12.04. If you used Ubuntu 11.04 and Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity, you will aware this. Dodge window is a cool feature that will hide itself when an app window is being maximized and will appears automaticaly when app window then being unmaximized. I don't know the reason, but based on Shuttleworth blog, it is pure a technical reason. (Lets pray this feature will be presented again in the future)
  3. Indicator Applet included as default in GNOME Session Fallback (Classic Mode). Indicator applet is a very cool applet and a part of the Ubuntu Ayatana project.
  4. Ubuntu Software Center now become lighter and finally I could use it as a replacement for gdebi (though gdebi is still better and fast).
  5. Nouveau driver works better. I could run Compiz perfect though I couldn't run Unity 3D and Gnome Shell :)
  6. Network Manager came with a small problem with Broadband connection. You have to go to System Settings and switch Broadband Connection on in every system rebooting to use it.
  7. There is a little incomapibilty issue with Faenza Icon Theme in GNOME Session Fallback.

Overall, I felt satisfied by this Debian-Testing-Based release. My old CPU runs faster. My old Nvidia GPU runs better and the new wallpaper look pretty and profesional as before. This is the machine I used to test :

CPU : Intel Pentium 4 2,4 GHz CPU
Memory : 2 GB DDR1
GPU : Nvidia GeForce 5200 FX 128 MB

BAM Huawei Mobile Partner For Linux. Download and Install.

Broadband connection is one of the most used internet connections, alongside wired and wi-fi internet connection. And the most used device to use broadband connection is USB Modem (GSM/CDMA), and one of the most used brands is Huawei, a world-recognized Chinese manufacture that focuses to produce great networking devices (modems, router etc). It is probably the most popular brand from China and I have to say that Huawei is a great product.
Because of this I decided to buy a CDMA USB modem from Huawei. And greatly, this has already been recognized by Linux from so long time ago and so I can use the modem easily with GNOME's Network Manager. But later I found a problem : how to top up my prepaid internet account? To top up my prepaid internet account, I have to send a SMS to the provider and I can't do this on Linux. With forced, I temporarily used Mobile Partner application on Windows to buy / top up my prepaid internet account.
But later, Praise God, I finally found the Linux version of the Huawei Mobile Partner application. So now, I don't need Windows anymore to just top my prepaid account up. Though Mobile Partner Linux doesn't include calling feature, its SMS feature worked great on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Now, I could top up my prepaid intetnet account by Linux and I dont't have to “touch” Windows anymore.
The Installation is easy, although we have to use terminal (it is Linux, okay?). We just need to make the install script executable by the command : chmod +x install and then just follow the wizard. Last, I made a Desktop Integration specialized for Ubuntu desktop and we need to install it because without it, the app couldn't be executed from menu (it needs root privilage to run).
Settings and Configuration
Once we have finished install the app, let the modem plugged in and reboot the system. Last, we have to set the internet profile manually by accessing Tools>Options>Profile Management. If you don't know the detail about your internet provider, you have to ask to the provider about the manual configuration. I use a local CDMA provider Smartfren so my connection profile is like this :
Profile : Smart
Access number : #777
User name : smart
Password : smart
Last, save and OK, and go to the Connection session and we just need to press Connect. Hope this will be useful for us and don't ever stop using Linux as the main and daily operating system. Bravo Linux.

Install Compiz Setting Manager In Ubuntu 12.04

Compiz is an OpenGL compositing manager that use GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap for binding redirected top-level windows to texture objects. It has a flexible plug-in system and it is designed to run well on most graphics hardware.

Compiz is a compositing manager, which means that it enhances the overall user interaction by adding fancy effects to your windows, from drop shadows to awesome desktop effects like the Desktop Cube or the Expo view.
Compiz can also be a window manager, which means that it is the software between you and your desktop apps. It enables you to move or resize windows, to switch workspaces, to switch windows easily (using alt-tab or so), and so on. You can install Compiz Setting Manager on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin/Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot/Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal/Linux Mint.

Installation of Compiz Config Setting Manager, open Terminal and enter following command:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-setting-manager

How To Install PHP5 On Ubuntu

We can install PHP5 and the Apache PHP5 module as follows:

apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5

We must restart Apache afterwards:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

How To Install Apache2 On Ubuntu

Apache2 is available as an Ubuntu package, therefore we can install it like this:

apt-get install apache2

Now direct your browser to localhost, and you should see the Apache2 placeholder page (It works!):

Apache's default document root is /var/www on Ubuntu, and the configuration file is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. Additional configurations are stored in subdirectories of the /etc/apache2 directory such as /etc/apache2/mods-enabled (for Apache modules), /etc/apache2/sites-enabled (for virtual hosts), and /etc/apache2/conf.d.

How To Install MySQL 5 On Ubuntu

First we install MySQL 5 like this:

apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

You will be asked to provide a password for the MySQL root user - this password is valid for the user root@localhost as well as, so we don't have to specify a MySQL root password manually later on:
New password for the MySQL "root" user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword
Repeat password for the MySQL "root" user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword

How To Install The Uget On Ubuntu

Uget is a free open source and cross-platform download manager that has the following features:

  • Pause, resume, queue and sort downloads
  • Metalink and torrent file support
  • Batch download support
  • Control max upload/download speed
  • Proxy connection support, etc.

To install Uget On Ubuntu, run these commands from the terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:plushuang-tw/uget-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uget

You can start Uget later via the dash:

Uget's screenshot: